Structures and Entities
When you start a business, a venture or a project, you will have an idea and the expertise to see it through. But you really need a lawyer to help with the heavy lifting – that is our expertise and we have decades of experience in making it happen for you.
We can help you choose the most appropriate entity or entities to operate your business, (and we will explain it to you in simple English, with diagrams), we will then assist your business formation, draft all necessary documents, and much more.
Contracts and General Business Law
Every contract should be simple. But simple is hard.
If you are operating, purchasing or selling a business, you will deal with contracts in one form or another almost every day.
We can help you review and negotiate your contracts; we can draft new contracts for your business or we can advise you on your options for terminating a contract you have entered into.
We can help you with
- Purchases and sales of businesses
- Drafting commercial agreements and deeds
- Advice for company administrators, directors and shareholders
- Advice on legislation, including corporate structures, governance and compliance
- Advice on the protection of commercial assets
- Advice for taxation issues of a commercial enterprise
- Advice for non-profit organisations and charities
- Mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures
- Loan agreements, guarantees and protections